Welcome to Bani Agribusinesses Solutions
Welcome to Bani Agribusinesses Solutions
When selecting fresh Habanero Peppers, look for those that are mature, firm, dry and heavy for their size. Skins should be shiny, smooth and unblemished.
Eat healthy, live happy, and grow a better relationship with your veggies.
Fresh unadulterated Palmwine
Organically grown sweet corn
Sustainable agriculture is one that, over the long term, enhances the environmental quality and the resource base on which agriculture depends; provides for basic human food and fiber needs; is economically viable; and enhances the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole
By choosing the right food, which provides the whole package of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to receive, you will start to feel better both physically and mentally. It is holism in life, which will help preserve your health, strengthen your immunity and you will definitely feel what positive changes a holistic approach do your diet brings.
The common thread among these methods is an embrace of farming practices that mimic natural ecological processes.
The main principles and practices of organic food production are to inspire and enhance biological cycles in the farming system, keep and enhance deep-rooted soil fertility, reduce all types of pollution, evade the application of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, conserve genetic diversity in food, consider the vast socio-ecological impact of food production, and produce high-quality food in sufficient quantity